Kaohsiung Medical University Online Lecture on Medical Law and Ethics
講座名稱 |
教師/服務單位 |
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概論1:醫療行為的法律定義 Introduction 1:Legal definition of medical treatment |
廖哲宏主秘/高雄市衛生局 |
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概論2:醫療法及醫事人員義務 Introduction 2: Medical law and duties of medical personnel |
劉傳璟助理教授/高雄大學法律系 |
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概論3:健保制度與法律規範 Introduction 3:Health insurance system and laws and regulations |
林昭志副教授/高雄大學法律系 |
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醫療糾紛1:醫療過失與刑事責任 Medical dispute 1:Medical malpractice and criminal liability |
李維哲醫師/中和紀念醫院 |
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醫療糾紛2:醫療過失與民事責任 Medical dispute 2:Medical malpractice and civil liability |
邱泰錄法官/臺灣高等法院 |
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醫療糾紛3:藥害與救濟 Medical dispute 3:Drug injury and relief |
李兆環主持律師/得聲法律事務所 簡美夷組長/藥害救濟基金會藥害調查組 |
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醫療議題1:緊急醫療救護的倫理與法律 Medical issues 1:Ethics and laws of Emergency Medical Services |
陳璿羽醫師/嘉義榮民總醫院急診專科 |
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醫療議題2:傳染病防治的法律規範 Medical issues 2:Laws and regulations of prevention and control of infectious disease |
陳君瑋律師/法源法律事務所所長 |
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醫療議題3:精神醫療的倫理與法律 Medical issues 3:Ethics and laws of psychiatry |
周煌智院長/高雄市立凱旋醫院 |
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醫療議題4:臨終照護的倫理與法律 Medical issues 4:Ethics and laws of end-of-life care |
黃鳳岐法官/澎湖地方法院 |
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專業規範1:醫師法及爭議案例解析 Professional norms 1:The physician Act and analysis of contested cases |
吳秀玲副教授/國立中正大學財經法律學系兼任副教授 |
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專業規範2:護理師法及爭議案例解析 Professional norms 2:The Nurse Practice Act and analysis of contested cases |
羅韵宣律師/耀門法律律師事務所 |
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專業規範3:藥師法及爭議案例解析 Professional norms 3:The Pharmacists' Act and analysis of contested cases |
簡美夷組長/藥害救濟基金會藥害調查組 |
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醫學研究1:醫療大數據應用的倫理與法律 Medical research 1:Application of ethics and laws of medical databases |
陳月端校長/國立高雄大學 |
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醫學研究2:人體試驗的倫理與法律 Medical research 2:Ethics and laws of clinical trials |
曾淑瑜教授/台北大學法律學系 |
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新興議題1:人工智慧應用於醫療之倫理法律議題 New issue1:Application of artificial intelligence to Ethics and laws of medical treatment |
韓政道助理教授/僑光科技大學財經法律系 |
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新興議題2:遠距醫療的倫理與法律 New issue2:Ethics and laws of telemedicine |
王紀軒副教授/中國文化大學法律學系 |
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新興議題3:醫療事故預防及爭議處理法 -醫療爭議評析及醫事專業諮詢簡介 New issue 3:Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act: Analysis of Medical Disputes and an Introduction to Professional Medical Consultation |
簡美夷組長/藥害救濟基金會藥害調查組 |
Email: chaochen@kmu.edu.tw
Email: r131100@gap.kmu.edu.tw